Technique interpretation
What does Image Engine Processor stand for?
What does X(2D+3D)DNR stand for?
What does XDR stand for?
What does De-fog stand for?
What does WDR(dual-exposure) stand for?
what does eclipes stand for?
what does UTC for? |
Image Engine Processor?
The image processor, which is comprises a combination of the hardware and software is an important component in the digital camera ,this Mintron's New DSP features an adaptive image reproduction technology that supports histogram equalization technology and can automatically adapt image re-balance to improve poor image and re-product natural colors. it have build-in 2D/3DNR (Digital Noise Reduction) technology to eliminate random noise in the image especially in low light conditional with gain compensation.
Related product: KR85 series-540TVL/420TVL /14 bit -WDR
With reproduction technology-gamma correction
![histogram off](photo/histogram on.png) |
Original image
![hitogram off](photo/histogram off.png) |
DNR (Digital Noise Reduction) is a processing which is able to eliminate random image noise and minimize digital store space when the noise gains. The "3D" is to detect the random noise along with the time axis. The “2D” is to eliminate the random noise that “3D” detects. Therefore, the XDNR accurately extracts the real noise component and eliminate it to keep the best image contrast (This achieves good S/N result under low light monitoring conditions)
Related products:
KR85 series-540TVL/420TVL /14-bit WDR /HDTV camera
/ VV120-700TVL / VV210TVL-1000TVL
XDNR-OFF:BadS/N with lower resolution
![xdnr off](photo/DNR off_320.png)
XDNR-ON good S/N with good resolution![xdnr on](photo/DNR on_320.png) |
XDR( eXpending dynamic range ) is one of video image enhancers based on adaptive tone mapping technology, also called ATR(adaptive tone reproduction) or HDR(high dynamic range ). XDR allows the objects such us faces in front of strong backlight, to be seen clearly. It amplifies the signal under dark area and shrinks the signal under bright area to provide the images that are close to nature vision with minimized color distortion.
Related products: KR85 series-540TVL/420TVL /14-bit WDR /HDTV camera
/ VV120-700TVL / VV210TVL-1000TVL
Benefit: minimizes saturation area by amplifying amplifys darkness signal
XDR off
![xdr off](photo/XDR off._320X220.png)
XDR on:
![xdr on](photo/XDR on_320X220.png) |
When capturing low visible scenes under low contrast condition, such as fog, fire smoke , and haze, the De-fog filter in the camera can successfully enhances object details to get clearer images.
Related products:
HDTV camera
/ VV120-700TVL / VV210TVL-1000TVL
De-fog off
![de fog](photo/De-fog off_320.png)
De-fog on
![de fog on](photo/De-fog on_320.png) |
Based on dual-exposure processed by mixing and combining short and long shutters in one captured image, the WDR allows the camera to capture and to display simultaneously bright and dark area of a scene , the WDR technology provides clear images even under back light circumstances.
Related products: VV100W-WDR / W7-WDR
WDR off
![WDR off](photo/WDR off_1320X240.png)
WDR on
![WDR on](photo/WDR on-1_320X240.png) |
Related products:
HDTV camera / VV210TVL-1000TVL
Eclipse off:
![eclipse off](photo/eclipse offX320.png)
Eclipse on:
![eclipse on](photo/eclipse onX320.png) |
UTC: up the coax , which can send control signal/command over the coaxil cable , it allow get remote function without any communication wiring cable
Under constrution !